• What is a brand? If you are unsure how you appear to unfamiliar audiences who don’t know you or your business well, your brand may be the problem. A brand is a promise, a story or a special personality or reputation that a product or company has, and it allows people to connect and understand it without even seeing the name or the logo. It could include things like colours, values, [...]

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    Your website is telling tales about you - that's why a Responsive Website Design is a must in today's world. Your website says more about you and your business than your home page, the about us page and just about all the content on your site. And not only does it tell a story to your customers and your referral sources, but it tells an even more telling story to the most important person in [...]

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    Everything you see and hear points to online marketing as the saviour of your business growth and promotional efforts.  It's all we hear about, day in and day out.  Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn.  And so on....  Even email has gone out of "fashion" as we all lean towards the latest and greatest new media solution that technology has to offer. So why isn't every business booming if [...]

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    As a marketer, you’re better served by employing company outsiders to review your brands and preferably people without an in-depth knowledge of your markets.  Outsiders are more likely to be objective and come up with revealing insights and inner truths. If this seems counter-intuitive, consider this: When you’ve lived in a city for a long time, you stop noticing things.  Familiarity dulls [...]

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