• Questionnaire

  • Key questions to see if you are ready for business growth

    How do you know if you can benefit from our services?

    If you answer YES to any of the following questions, a marketing resource like Mastermind Solutions could be invaluable to your survival and growth.

    • Is your market undergoing change?
    • Are your major competitors growing faster than you?
    • Do you feel that you have gaps in your product or service offering?
    • Are you attempting to do the marketing/advertising for yourself – but it’s not working or you don’t have the time to dedicate yourself to this fully?
    • Do you run a marketing function and feel that you do not have enough time (or resources) to fully maximize the opportunities available?

    If you answer NO to any of the following questions, a marketing resource like Mastermind Solutions could be invaluable to your survival and growth.

    • Do you know how your customers really feel about your company?
    • Do you know exactly what your customer’s needs are?
    • Do you know why your customers buy from competitors?
    • Do you have clear company goals and objectives?
    • Is everyone in your organization clear on the direction the company is moving in?
    • Is communication in your organization always consistent and clear?
    • Do you have a clear plan of growth?
    • Do you have a qualified person responsible for marketing or business growth?
    • Do you know whether all your products are truly profitable?
    • Are you sure your prices are competitive?
    • Are you aware of alternative ways of distributing your products?
    • Are you sure you have the most efficiently structured sales force?
    • Are you maximizing your advertising opportunities?

    These are just some of the issues that an outsourced marketing resource can help you to resolve. Some may be organizational, some may be strategic, some may be tactical, and some may be executional. But all of them can be resolved with the support of an outsourced marketing professional.

    Take a quick online survey to evaluate your marketing needs.